Become Our RtopR TikTok Shop Collaborator: Unleash Your Creative Talent

Become Our RtopR TikTok Shop Collaborator: Unleash Your Creative Talent

Hello, dear creators! If you're a creative TikTok user with a passion for beauty, fashion, or lifestyle, this is your chance to open the door to success. The RtopR skincare brand is inviting TikTok influencers to become our collaborators, exploring exciting new partnership opportunities. 

Collaboration Requirements:

To become one of our collaborators, you need to meet the following criteria:

TikTok Followers over 50,000: If you're a high-quality content creator but have slightly fewer followers, feel free to contact us, and we may consider your eligibility.

Priority for Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle Creators: We prefer to collaborate with creators in fields relevant to our brand, ensuring that the content aligns with our products.

Appear in Your Videos: To establish a genuine connection and trust, you need to personally appear in your videos.

Create and Publish Content Within a Week: Once you receive the samples, we encourage you to create and publish relevant content within a week to keep the collaboration active.

Ability to Drive Orders: We are looking for long-term collaborators with the potential to generate and drive consistent orders.

When posting content, please include these tags to help us track the effectiveness of your promotion: #rtopr and @rtopr.philippines

Collaboration Process: As shown in the infographic below

Collaboration Earnings:

For each successful order, you will earn a 10% commission on the order amount. Furthermore, for high-quality content, we will invest in paid promotion to increase your video's viewership and attract more followers. Those who generate steady orders may receive higher commissions.

This is an opportunity for you to showcase your creative talent and grow alongside the RtopR skincare brand. Don't miss this exciting collaboration opportunity. Let's explore the creative world of TikTok together, creating unforgettable beauty, fashion, and lifestyle content. 

If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us.

We look forward to creating unique and captivating TikTok content with you!

Contact Information:

WhatsApp: +8618020508262, +8618021163626

WhatsApp Collaboration Group Link:

Collaboration Group QR Code:

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