Autumn daily skincare knowledge sharing

Autumn daily skincare knowledge sharing

Moisturizing is key: As the temperature gradually drops and the air becomes drier in autumn, it can lead to moisture loss in the skin. Therefore, the focus of autumn skincare is hydration. Choose skincare products with good moisturizing effects, especially those that contain hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin, to help lock in moisture and keep the skin hydrated.

Sun protection is important: Despite the cooler weather, UV rays are still present and can damage the skin. Continue to use sunscreen, especially when engaging in outdoor activities or on days with intense sunlight. Choose a sunscreen with a suitable SPF and reapply regularly to protect the skin from UV damage.

Adjust cleansing frequency: The skin is more prone to dryness and sensitivity in autumn compared to summer, so it's important to adjust the frequency of cleansing. If your skin feels dry and tight, you can reduce the number of times you cleanse your face, choose gentle cleansers, and wash your face with lukewarm water to avoid irritating the skin with hot water.

Nourish from within: Autumn is a great time for skin repair and rejuvenation, so nourishing the skin from within is essential for its health. Increase your intake of foods rich in antioxidants and beneficial for skin health, such as leafy greens, fruits, nuts, and fish, which are high in vitamins A, C, E, and zinc.

Pay attention to lip care: The dry weather in autumn can cause dryness and peeling of the lips. Use a moisturizing lip balm to keep the lips soft and hydrated, and avoid licking the lips as saliva evaporation can lead to moisture loss.

Moderate exfoliation: Gentle exfoliation in autumn helps remove dead skin cells, promoting skin renewal and brightening the complexion. Choose a mild exfoliating product suitable for your skin type and avoid excessive or frequent exfoliation to prevent skin sensitivity or irritation.

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